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We demand a clean and transparent probe into the Kanjuruhan disaster of 1 October!

Writer's picture: Manushya FoundationManushya Foundation

#WhatsHappeningInIndonesia 🇮🇩 We demand a clean and transparent probe into the Kanjuruhan disaster of 1 October!

⚽️ The football match between both teams ended with Persebaya winning 2-3 to Arema. Reacting to the results, thousands of Arema avid fans took to the field allegedly to approach the team’s officials and players. However, law enforcement personnel was alarmed by the mass and hurried to shoot teargas in an attempt to disperse them. The shot was directed at one section of the tribune and prompted those in the perimeters to rush to an exit gate.

🚨 Since the Kanjuruhan disaster happened earlier this month, we have seen several concerning developments regarding the actors involved within the incident, the findings of the government-appointed fact-finding mission, and the overall manner in which the victims and their sufferings are being handled.

🔎 The fact-finding mission discovered that the use of teargas was the main cause of the deaths and that CCTV footage of critical period in the lobby and parking areas of the Stadium has been erased. In addition, there have been reports of a local hospital refusing to treat injured victims and providing them with free care as they are entitled to.

#WeAreManushyan ∞ Equal Human Beings

✊🏻 We demand that the National Human Rights Commission of Indonesia conducts a thorough probe into the designated suspects in the incident, its chronology, and other circumstances surrounding its occurrence. The Commission must also hold accountable any person who was involved in ordering the shooting of teargas at the football supporters and who attempt to hamper access to healthcare for injured victims. We likewise demand that the Commission ensures that families of the deceased receive prompt and adequate reparations.

✊🏻 Manushya stands in solidarity with the Kanjuruhan disaster victims and expect to see positive outcomes of ongoing investigations into the incident.


#WhatsHappeningInIndonesia 🇮🇩 Kami menuntut investigasi bersih dan transparan terkait tragedi Kanjuruhan 1 Oktober!

⚽️ Pertandingan sepakbole antara kedua tim berakhir dengan kemenangan Persebaya 2-3 dari Arema. Atas hasil ini, ribuan supporter Arema turun ke lapangan untuk mendekati official dan pemain tim. Akan tetapi, pihak kepolisian kemudian secara gegabah menembakkan gas air mata untuk membubarkan masa. Tembakan ini diarahkan ke salah satu bagian tribun dan menyebabkan kepanikan di lokasi, sehingga masa bergerak menuju pintu keluar.

🚨 Sejak tragedi Kanjuruhan terjadi awal bulan ini, kami melihat beberapa perkembangan mengkhawatirkan mengenai pihak-pihak yang terlibat, penemuan Tim Gabungan Independen Pencari Fakta (TGIPF), dan perlakuan terhadap korban dan kondisi mereka secara umum.

🔎 TGIPF menemukan bahwa penggunaan gas air mata merupakan alasan utama kematian di lokasi dan rekaman CCTV selama periode kritis di lobi dan area parkir Stadium telah dihapus. Ada pula laporan bahwa rumah sakit setempat menolak untuk merawat dan memberikan perawatan gratis kepada korban luka dari insiden ini sesuai dengan hak mereka.

#WeAreManushyan ∞ Equal Human Beings

✊🏻 Kami menuntut Komnas HAM untuk melakukan investigasi mendalam terkait tersangka dalam kasus ini, kronologinya, dan situasi lain yang melatarbelakanginya. Komnas HAM juga perlu memastikan bahwa segala pihak yang terlibat dalam penembakkan gas air mata serta pihak yang menghalangi akses terhadap perawatan di rumah sakit bertanggung jawab penuh atas tindakannya. Kami juga meminta agar Komnas HAM memastikan bahwa keluarga dari korban jiwa menerima ganti rugi dalam jumlah dan bentuk yang patut.

✊🏻 Manushya bersolidaritas dengan korban tragedi Kanjuruhan dan memantau perkembangan situasi ini.


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