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  • Writer's pictureManushya Foundation

World AIDS Day - We Are All In This Together!

On this World AIDS Day, we stand in solidarity with people living with and affected by HIV and we remember those who lost their lives to AIDS. We witnessed great progress in terms of health and medicine since AIDS emerged, but various issues and crises such as the recent Covid-19 pandemic have exacerbated the challenges faced by People Living With HIV (PLHIV), women and girls and key populations, including in accessing life-saving health care, and how these issues and crises widen the social and economic inequalities that increase the vulnerability of marginalized groups to HIV.

Manushya Foundation calls on governments, civil society and each and every one of us to fight harder to find a cure to HIV and support PLHIV, so that we can make the world a healthier place. We must support the leadership and engagement of communities: their activism and solidarity have been crucial to provide people affected by HIV with information, services, social protection and hope!


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