Executive Summary
Second Experts Meeting to discuss the findings and recommendations of the CSO National Baseline Assessment (NBA) on Business & Human Rights
The Executive Summary captures the proceedings of the 2-day meeting, during which participants discussed challenges in developing an inclusive and rights-based NAP on business and human rights and reinforced local communities as central actors to respond to business and human rights challenges in Thailand. The meeting also analysed steps taken by the Government to protect, respect and fulfil human rights while economically growing and was the occasion for Manushya, and members of the Thai CSOs Coalition for the UPR, to present baseline research findings and recommendations. This ensured a bottom-up approach was taken in the NAP process, with the aim of achieving a grounded, evidence-based NAP on business and human rights.
The meeting offered a valuable opportunity to showcase the power of community-led research and highlight the business and human rights challenges faced by communities throughout Thailand.
Read more about our Business & Human Rights strategy here.