On 15 March 2019, Manushya Foundation and the Thai BHR Network, a coalition of grassroots organisations, human rights defenders (HRDs), academics and experts, submitted their Joint Comments to the Final Draft National Action Plan (NAP) on Business and Human Rights (BHR) calling on the Royal Thai Government (RTG) to ensure the effective regulation of corporate activity through a strong National Action Plan (NAP) on Business and Human Rights (BHR), that is inclusive of communities voices’ affected by the adverse impacts of business conducts and operations with a reflection of all their challenges and recommendations.
The Joint Comments suggest changes in the wording of the draft NAP on BHR and propose additional challenges and actions to the publicly available draft of the NAP on BHR open for public comments from 15 February to 15 March 2019. The draft NAP on BHR is available in English (Unofficial Translation) and Thai (Official Document) languages below:
Draft NAP on BHR in EN
(Unofficial Translation by Manushya Foundation)
Draft NAP on BHR in Thai
(Official Document)
We, Manushya Foundation and the Thai BHR Network, express our appreciation to the Rights and Liberties Protection Department (RLPD) of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) in Thailand, for recognising our contributions in the drafting process of the NAP on BHR; by following the four priority areas, as identified by our coalition of affected and marginalised communities that engaged in the four Regional National Baseline Assessment Dialogues and the two Experts Meetings to inform our Independent CSO National Baseline Assessment (NBA) on business and human rights in Thailand following Manushya Foundation’s business and human rights strategy. While these steps are promising, we still remain disappointed with certain aspects on the content and process for finalisation of the NAP on BHR; as examined and explained in the joint comments accessible below.
Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) on the ground, the NAP on BHR must result in the production and promotion of a strategy to protect against adverse human rights impacts by business enterprises and to ensure they respect human rights wherever they operate, whether in the country or abroad. Read our Joint Comments below to see what we propose to overcome gaps and ensure a strong NAP on BHR in Thailand!