15 October 2021
Thailand will be reviewed by UN Member States on all its human rights record during its Third Universal Periodic Review (UPR) taking place on 10 November 2021 at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva (39th Session of the UPR Working Group).
To tell the truth behind #WhatsHappeningInThailand and to guarantee Recommending States make SMART recommendations that will hold the Thai government accountable on its international human rights obligations and will improve the situation on the ground, Manushya Foundation, local community members of the Thai CSOs Coalition for the UPR and the Thai BHR Network, and partner Civil Society Organizations have prepared UPR Advocacy Factsheets addressing the most challenging human rights issues and providing community-led UPR recommendations to be made to the Thai government. The factsheets touch on 24 different thematics:
1. Civil & Political Rights
1.1. Civic Space
1.2. Digital Rights
1.3. Torture & Enforced Disappearance
1.4. Prison Conditions
1.5. Death Penalty
1.6. Armed Conflicts & the Human Rights Situation in the Southern Border Provinces​​​
2. Economic, Social, Cultural & Environmental Rights
2.1. Labour Rights
2.2. Migrant Workers Rights
2.3. Rights of Sex Workers
2.4. Human Trafficking
2.5. People and Planet Over Profit
2.6. Thailand's False Climate Solution & Unfair Forest Conservation Laws
2.7. Adverse Impact of Bilateral & Regional Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)
2.8. Rights of Indigenous Peoples
2.9. Safe Abortion in Thailand
3. Marginalized Communities
3.1. Khon Isaan
3.2. Women subjected to Male Violence in Intimate Relationships
3.3. Indigenous Women
3.4. LGBTIQ+ Persons, including LGBTIQ+ Youth & Children
3.5. People Living with HIV & Drug Users
3.6. Persons with Disabilities
3.7. Elderly Rights
3.8. Asylum Seekers & Refugees
3.9. Rights of the Child