Decent Work: Paving the Path to Sustainable Development

On this World Day for Decent Work we fight to achieve decent working conditions for all workers, formal and informal, and migrant workers!
Even though working conditions have been improving in Southeast Asia, Decent Work is still far from being achieved, with many issues such as wage inequality, low incomes, dangerous working conditions, exploitation, and lack of protection. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic and its terrible impact on jobs and the economy definitely didn’t help in tackling these issues, but made it worse.
Today, we call for governments and businesses in Southeast Asia to work towards the achievement of Decent Work for all workers in the region, by protecting their labour rights, providing fair income, protecting their dignity, promoting equality and implementing safe working conditions. They must also address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and provide inclusive responses. Finally, governments must ratify ILO189 & ILO190 and respect Business & Human Rights standards in order to achieve sustainable development and eradicate poverty.

Read our Thematic Assessment Chapter of the Independent CSO NBA on BHR on the Promotion of Decent Working Conditions for Formal and Informal Workers here!