#StandWithUkraine: One year ago today, Putin ordered Russian troops to invade Ukraine’s borders.

🇺🇦 🗓 Exactly one year ago today, President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops to invade Ukraine’s borders.
📈 Since then, civilian casualties have exceeded 21,000, with at least 8,000 killed and over 13,000 injured, according to UN human rights office (OHCHR) data. Many died in their homes, or while going about their daily lives, like commuting to work or buying groceries.
🏠 It is also estimated that around 8 million people in Ukraine have had to flee from their home county as a result of the violent conflict, not knowing when or whether they would be able to return home.
💬 However, human rights abuses happening during the war are not only limited to deaths, injuries, or displacements. So far, more than 100 cases of conflict-related sexual violence have been documented, along with hundreds of cases of enforced disappearances and arbitrary detention.
#StandWithUkraine ✊ Manushya Foundation stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, affected civilians, and anti-war protesters everywhere! We condemn in the strongest terms Russia’s ongoing aggression against the sovereign state of Ukraine, which is in breach of the UN Charter, and Russia’s war crimes, which violate international humanitarian law.
We call on aggressor Putin to stop the war and restore peace immediately!
Illustration by @ivana_kurniawati! ❤️
United Nations, UN rights chief deplores Ukraine death toll one year after Russian invasion, (21 February 2023), available at: https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/02/1133737#:~:text=UN%20Human%20Rights%20Chief%20%40volker_turk,least%208%2C006%20dead%20%26%2013%2C287%20injured
UNHCR, Ukraine Refugee Situation, available at: https://data.unhcr.org/en/situations/ukraine