"Thailand is the Land of Compromise" - Does He Even Understand the Words He's Been Using?

“Thailand is the land of Compromise” and “We love them all the same”, these are such beautiful words but #WhatsHappeningInThailand is far uglier than that.
Violence and injustice are imposed on those who just want to create a better future for their country and future generations. People are out on the streets because of love, the love they have for their own country, worthy of real democracy… And look at what is happening to them!
The Pro-democracy movement in Thailand has been ongoing since 18 july 2020; with protests breaking out across the country. The rallies in Bangkok have intensified and happened almost daily since 13 October, with protesters standing strong on their 3 Rs demands: Resignation of Prayut, Revision of the Constitution, and Reform of the Monarchy. However the military-backed government and those in power are also taking a firm stance by not listening to the demands of the people and Thai police has been using violence to stop unarmed protesters: violent crackdowns, usage of water cannons, and violent arrests of several protest leaders.
THE FUTURE BELONG TO THE PEOPLE - Instead of pretty but empty words, what the people need and deserve are real and sincere actions; to show that their words have been heard and that their voices truly matter.
We call for sincere actions from the Thai government and those who are in power. They must stop all forms of violence and harassment against protesters immediately. They must truly listen to the people and follow their demands. It is time for those in power to realize that power and the future of the nation belong to the people and not in the hands of a fews.

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