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  • Writer's pictureManushya Foundation

#BisexualVisibilityDay: We celebrate your Crushes!

Today is #BiVisibilityDay!, a day to celebrate and bring awareness to those that identify as Bisexual 🌈

To all our Bisexual Friends, we want you to know that We Love You 💗 You Are #Visible, #Valid, and amazing #Manushyan - #WeAreManushyan - all Equal Human Beings, and today we celebrate YOU!

⚠️ Bisexual people are a part of our community but yet, bisexuals still face the erasure of their identities from time to time, both in LGBTQIA+ movements and narratives. This is why Bisexual Visibility Day is so important! and the best way to celebrate this day is to recognize your Bi+ friends and show respect to Bi+ people in our society!

Please be assured that we stand up with you and remember that:

We are proud of you 💗

We see you👀

We hear you👂

We accept you🤝

We love you 💗

👉🏼 @manushyafoundation will always stand in solidarity with the Bisexual+ community, join us by sharing our blog!



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