#NewYearResolution 🙏 Help the Indigenous Karen IDPs with your #NewYearDonation 💸

💫 To kick off 2022 right, make a new year's donation to help Burmese people fleeing Myanmar's massacres!
🩸 People around the world stopped in disbelief as the news about a massacre perpetrated by the Myanmar military on Christmas Eve spread: at least 35 people, including 2 humanitarian workers returning from a field trip and 4 children, were killed and burned in Kayah State in Eastern Myanmar.
⚔️ As a result of recent clashes between the Myanmar military and the indigenous Karen resistance movement, more than 5,000 indigenous Karen are continuously pushed away from their homes and flee to Mae Sot, Tak district in Thailand.
💣 Even after the Karen leave the Myanmar territory, the military does not stop! Quite the opposite, the troops have increasingly fired heavy weaponry not only within Myanmar territory (targeting Karen National Union positions in Mae Tod Taloh village, Myawaddy province) but also across the border to Mae Sot and Phop Phra district in Thailand 🇹🇭 The Myanmar military acts against international humanitarian law forbidding attacks on civilians and blatantly ignores LIVES and RIGHTS of both, the indigenous Karen and Thais.
👉 The Karen IDPs and refugees are in urgent need of food, medicine and shelter. Karen Peace Support Network is providing urgent humanitarian help for those villagers forced to flee but we need your help. The need is great and we urgently need donations to help us provide more support.
👉 Scan the QR code or click here to make your #NewYearDonation!

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🙏🏻 Thank you from us #WeAreManushyan – Equal Human Beings
#Refugees #IDPs #Myanmar #FreeMyanmar #SaveMyanmar #2022Resolution #NYResolution #IndigenousPeoples #ChristmasDay #Democracy #MilkTeaAlliance #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
🎨 Illustration by amazing @YoonNge9