Take a Stand with Manushya to Protect Digital Rights from Dictatorship!

The European Union and ASEAN Civil Society Forum Give Recommendations to the 5th EU-ASEAN Policy Dialogue on Human Rights
Almost two months have now passed since we attended the 3rd EU-ASEAN Civil Society Forum on Human Rights! This bi-annual event is all about nurturing and connecting civil society actors while fostering a cross-continental human rights dialogue with perspectives from across the EU and ASEAN, co-chaired by Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from both regions.
What Happened during the forum in Belgium?
Under the overarching theme of “Advancing Human Rights: Creating an Enabling Environment for CSOs at the Regional Level”, Manushya, alongside 38 CSOs, participated in the Forum held in Brussels, Belgium, from October 1 to October 3, 2023. The forum served as a platform to discuss and highlight the challenges faced by CSOs in both the EU and ASEAN regions.
Our conclusion: We are fighting against oppressive laws and grappling with government-imposed digital surveillance, ultimately leading to the decline of democracy.
Take a closer look at our recommendations:
🌐 Out of the 3 thematic areas, Manushya actively engaged with the second: “Human Rights and the Digital Age”. We're not only deeply concerned about the misuse of technological advancements by both state and non-state big tech players, we want them to take immediate action!
Manushya, along with other EU-ASEAN CSOs, calls upon the EU, ASEAN, and their member states to take action by:
Establishing regulatory frameworks that are in line with international human rights principles and standards.
Regularly reviewing and updating key documents related to digital rights.
Creating clear legislative frameworks, guidelines, and regulations for surveillance practices following international laws and standards.
Strengthening regulatory frameworks for data collection.
Promote the creation of referral mechanisms to address cases that are transboundary in character to prevent and address online gender-based violence
Enhancing digital literacy, including digital safety, privacy, and media literacy.
Promoting transboundary referral mechanisms to combat and address online gender-based violence.
Monitoring censorship and surveillance technologies
Encouraging big tech companies to prioritize human rights and ethics over profit.
Monitoring and assessing the influence of AI and big data on the safety of HRDs, journalists, and CSOs.
Introducing comprehensive whistleblower protection laws.
Providing adaptive assistive technology for persons with disabilities and ensuring web content compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Equipping CSOs to map legal and policy processes, and monitor legal frameworks affecting digital rights.
Repealing laws that undermine encryption and avoid weakening encryption through backdoor initiatives.
#WeAreManushyan ♾ Equal Human Beings
Aligning with the spirit of the ASEAN Regional Coalition to #StopDigitalDictatorship, Manushya Foundation believes that civil society actors’ meaningful participation is non-negotiable!
Read the full recommendation at https://www.manushyafoundation.org/euaseanhumanrightsdialogue2023
#InternetFreedom #DigitalRights #DigitalDictatorship #DigitalRightsAreHumanRights #StopDigitalDictatorship #WeAreManushyan #EqualHumanBeings #HumanRights #CivilSociety #PeopleOverProfit #IntersectionalFeminist