Our lives and rights MUST NOT be compromised for profit!

#SaveChana 🚨 Do you remember the brave #Chana community that stood up against the government plans to build a large industrial complex in their neighbourhood? Or villagers fighting to bring #JusticeForPhichit after a gold mine polluted their environment and took away their livelihoods?There are communities like them all over Thailand.
💸 For the sake of so-called national economic growth, their land, environment and livelihood have been put in jeopardy. While the Government promotes numerous profit-oriented projects such as infrastructure construction and special economic zones, the locals have been excluded from decision-making process, suppressed by corporations and thrown out of their own lands.
⚠️Their human rights are all blatantly violated: from right to food and right to livelihood, to right to access information and right to be consulted. Chana residents knew nothing about the Chana Industrial Estate project, they only found out AFTER it was APPROVED by the Cabinet! Worse still, they were excluded from the public hearing organised by the Southern Border Provinces Administration Centre.
🚨 The Thai government is hypocritical. It outspokenly fails to honor its promise before the international community to become the #BizHumanRights champion of Asia with its National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights. Like Chana and Phichit communities, many locals are in urgent need to be heard.
#WeAreManushyan – Equal Human Beings
📍 Far too often the Thai Justice system and Government are not willing to protect rights of communities such as Chana and Phichit. That's why, at Manushya Foundation, we support them to bring their cases before the UN Human Rights Mechanisms. But that's not enough: We need your help to make noise with us! The more people know about the issues, the better we can fight back injustice!
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➡️ Use #JusticeForPhichit to show your support for this courageous community fighting for justice and corporate accountability! Read more about their plight here.
🙏🏻 Thank you
🎨 Amazing illustration by @sallycreatesthings