Stop Police Brutality in the name of Protecting Prayut & the Network Monarchy!

#Thailand is a 'Land of Compromise' he said, but something is WRONG when the price for true #Democracy is to go blind in one eye...
@Ivana X @manushyafoundation
On 16 August 2021, live rounds were fired at Youth pro-democracy protesters. Before the nightmare of 16 August's protest, the police brutality had already severely injured many. For instance, protester Tanat "Nat" Thanakitamnuay has reportedly gone blind in his right eye after he was shot in the brow by a tear gas canister by riot police on Friday, August 13, 2021.
Nat lost his sight due to blood clots. He was a former ultra royalist who turned anti-government protester. Thailand is a 'land of compromise' HE said, but people who are demanding the resignation of prime minister Prayut Chan-o-cha due to his incapacity to manage the current COVID-19 pandemic are attacked by fully armed police using water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets, and many other weapons. Nat is just one of many other violence victims, and even one already too many.
✊🏼 Stand with us in telling the #Truth about #WhatsHappeningInThailand
✊🏼 We demand #PrayutGetOut!