Thailand must implement legally binding CERD recommendations to tackle human trafficking!

🚨 #HumanTrafficking has been a tragically widespread issue in Thailand for a long time. The Government can and must do more to fight against this human rights violation! What are the most important obstacles and how should the Government address them? Read on to know #WhatsHappeningInThailand and what has to be done!
Corruption and complicity of police officers, as well as complicated legal procedures, intimidation, and pay-offs, weaken any efforts to fight against human trafficking. The victims are often wary of speaking up out of fear of being mistaken for illegal immigrants and facing criminal prosecution and deportation.
👭 Because of the intersecting & multiple forms of discrimination they face, as well as a lack of information, indigenous women disproportionately become victims of human trafficking.
#WeAreManushyan - Equal Human Beings
#VoicesOfThailand ✊ To encourage the international community to make relevant recommendations to Thailand, and push for concrete change, @manushyafoundation teamed up with the grassroots members of the Thai BHR Network and Indigenous Women's Network of Thailand (IWNT) to develop the UPR Factsheet on Human Trafficking.
Our advocacy work pays off!
During its 3rd UPR in November 2021, Thailand received & accepted 9 recommendations addressing human trafficking. It is now its obligation to fully implement them!
We also addressed the issue of human trafficking in our Joint Civil Society Shadow Report for Thailand's CERD Review that we wrote together with Justice for Peace Foundation(JPF). After the review, the CERD Committee issued several legally binding recommendations that Thailand must implement:
📌 Ensure an effective fight against trafficking in persons.
📌 Enhance its efforts for the implementation of standardized early identification mechanisms targeted for the protection of those most vulnerable to trafficking.
📌 Intensify its efforts to investigate, and effectively punish all allegations of human trafficking.
📌 Strengthen protection and assistance for victims, and ensure their access to adequate legal, medical and psychological assistance.
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👉 Access the UPR Advocacy Factsheet on Human Trafficking in Thailand:
👉 Access all the UPR Advocacy Factsheets on #WhatsHappeningInThailand:
Design: @estelle.dao