Simon Biles: Why is Her Pulling Out of the Olympics So Important to Black Women?

Simon Biles' decision to withdraw from the Olympics to prioritize her mental health is revolutionary, reinforcing the power of all Black Women to put a pause on society's expectations and to focus on their mental health first. Her action has ended the stereotype of the “Strong Black Woman”, which can preclude Black women's right to be vulnerable. This stereotype has put pressure on so many Black Women because people have projected them to be 'strong' and 'self-sacrificing' all the time.
Black Women are at the intersection of society's most marginalized identities as they have to cope with Racial Discrimination and also Gender Discrimination. By deciding to take a pause from the Olympics, Simone Biles has sent a strong message to society: Black Women can put themselves first, their mental health first, and this is about self-respect and self-love!
"I do hope that people can relate and understand it’s O.K. to not be O.K., and it’s O.K. to talk about it." Naomi Osaka
At Manushya Foundation, we fight for #Equality and #FightRacism and want to ensure all women can live their lives freely by taking care of their wellbeing. Today, we want to pay tribute to Black Women for their strength in pushing back #Racism and #Sexism and to put themselves FIRST in racist societies that have far too often wanted them to be last. Simone is inspirational not only to Black Women but to ALL Black, Indigenous, and People of Color #BIPOC Women! We can All stand strong for ourselves no matter what society expects of us! We say #NoToRacism #NoToPatriarchy #NoToSexism!
- We are beautiful Human Beings inside out and we can lead this World while experiencing some ups and downs! It's called LIFE and living the PRESENT moment! So society better stop judging us! #WeAreManushyan
If you would like to know more about #MentalHealth and the fight against racism, check out the following IG accounts:
#SimonBiles #RacialDiscrimination #GenderDiscrimination #Discrimination #BLM #Racism #Sexism #BlackWomensHealth #BlackWomensMentalHealth #EmpoweringWomen #Empower #MarginalizedPeople #Minorities #WomenSupportingWomen #BIPOC #POC #IndigenousWomen #SelfLove #SelfRestpect #PresentMoment #LettingGo #Vulnerable #Happiness #Life #MeFirst