Why must we apply an intersectional lens to our efforts to bring #ClimateJustice for all?

#JustTransition ✊ People affected by intersectional discrimination are also the most affected by the climate crisis! Therefore, we must apply an intersectional lens to our efforts to bring Climate Justice for all! 🌏⚖️
🚨 Climate change doesn’t affect everyone equally! As many environmental injustices find their source for instance in patriarchy, racism, and colonialism, individuals and groups who are subjected to these discriminations are more vulnerable to the climate crisis. People who suffer from several types of oppression at the same time are even more affected by climate change!
❗While climate change mitigation efforts are actually made, in many cases, they show a lack of inclusion of minorities.
🇹🇭 In Thailand for example, ‘climate solution’ policies have been implemented without the participation of forest-dependent communities and Indigenous Peoples, while they are the most vulnerable to the climate crisis and possess valuable knowledge on the preservation of the environment. Worse, those policies are weaponized in order to unfairly criminalize people and evict them from their land! #SaveSabWaiVillagers
🤝 Climate mitigation efforts must be inclusive of all minorities so that no one is left behind. The voices of discriminated and intersectionally discriminated individuals and groups must be amplified and heard worldwide! This is why we need a Feminist, Just and Green Transition that is also Intersectional to bring Climate Justice for all!
Follow these inspirational feminists and climate justice activists to learn more about climate justice on Instagram:
#WeAreManushyan ♾ Equal Human Beings
✊ Manushya Foundation stands and advocates for an Intersectional, Feminist, Just and Green Transition which ensures that communities’ voices are heard and put at the center of the planning and implementation of all climate mitigation measures!
🌱 In order to effectively tackle the climate crisis, Thailand must switch to an Intersectional, Feminist, Just and Green Transition and bring Climate Justice to everyone, including intersectionally discriminated individuals and groups!
While you are here…
Learn more about our work and achievements under Climate Justice:
All you need to know about the main demands of our People’s Declaration!, 1 December 2022
All You Need to Know about our #WeAreJustTransition Movement, 28 November 2022
News Release: #WeAreJustTransition Movement: It’s time for a Just, Feminist, Green & Inclusive Transition with people-driven energy solutions to end greenwashing and phase out fossil fuels!, 24 November 2022
People’s Declaration for a Just, Feminist, Green and Inclusive Transition on Energy, Environment, Natural Resources, and Forests, 18 November 2022
Watch our Nov. 18 Press Conference to see the #WeAreJustTransition Movement launching our People's Declaration!, 18 November 2022
#SaveSabWaiVillagers: Digital campaign supporting Manushya Foundation’s efforts on Sab Wai case.
News Release: Thailand: Stop Forced Evictions of 14 Sab Wai Villagers facing Extreme Poverty & Homelessness!, 5 August 2022
Complaint for Urgent Action for Protection of the 14 Sab Wai Villagers, facing human rights violations due to Thailand’s False Climate Solutions, 4 August 2022
#FightRacism - Thailand is a Paradise; But only for the 1%: Joint Shadow Civil Society Report on the Implementation of ICERD: Replies to the List of Themes CERD/C/THA/Q/4-8 105th CERD session (15 November - 3 December), 25 October 2021
Manushya Foundation’s Factsheet to inform Thailand’s Third UPR: Thailand's False Climate Solutions with Bad Forest Conservation Laws, 13 September 2021
Joint Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review (UPR): Land-related rights, forest conservation laws and climate change policies, 25 March 2021
News Release: Thailand: End the unfair criminalization of land rights defenders in Sai Thong National Park, 19 June 2019
Submission of Urgent Action to 7 UN Special Rapporteurs: #SaveSabWaiVillagers from going to jail! The unfair criminalization of 14 villagers under Thailand’s Forest Reclamation Policy, 23 June 2019
Joint Statement: Human Rights Organisations urge Thai government to drop all charges against women land and human rights defenders in Ban Sap Wai community, 24 June 2019
News Release: Thailand: Ensure the provision of fair justice & effective remedy to land rights defenders unfairly criminalized in the Sai Thong National Park Case, 8 July 2019
Racial Discrimination in Thailand: Joint Civil Society Report: List of Themes to be considered by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) for the review of the combined fourth to eighth periodic reports of Thailand (CERD/C/THA/4-8), 2020
#JustTransition #ClimateJustice #OurPlanetOurHealth #IndigenousPeoples #Karen #Indigenous #SaveBangkloi #SaveOmkoi #environmentaljustice #thailand #whatshappeninginthailand #omkoi #coalmining #SaveSabWaiVillagers #SaveNittaya #LetTheEarthBreathe #climateactionnow #SaveBilly #saveบางกลอย #ClimateEmergency #ClimateChange #ClimateChangeIsReal