Thai parliament voted to not renominate Pita as PM

Democracy is further in danger in Thailand 🚨
The Thai parliament has voted against the renomination of Pita Limjareonat as PM candidate. The establishment is ignoring People’s votes & their radical call for change!
Today, a motion to prevent MFP’s leader Pita Limjareonat from running again as PM was passed by a vote of 394 to 312 by the Parliament. Earlier during the day, the constitutional court temporarily suspended him, after accepting a complaint from the Election Commission about his media shareholdings in the now-defunct media company iTV Plc. Pita has 15 days to present supporting evidence to the court in his defense.
Last week, July 13, Pita did not secure enough votes from the junta-handpicked senators to become prime minister. In a setback for democracy, many of the current senators disregarded the voice of the people, with only 13 out of 250 senators aligning their votes accordingly. The Senators’ votes represent a true disrespect for the voices of the Thai people!
Pita stated in parliament that he will not cease working until his case is ruled upon, following the court's order. "I would like to ask my fellow parliamentarians to use the parliament to help the people. I think Thailand has changed and will never be the same since 14 May. The people have won halfway, there's another half to go. Even though I haven't got to work, I'm asking my fellow parliament members to take care of the people," said Pita.
Pita is facing mental and judicial harassment from both junta senators and entrenched dinosaurs of the Election Commission who are determined to maintain the status quo. The spirits towards democratic reforms, however, have not been dampened.
Thai people are angry and pro-democracy supporters have gathered at the Democracy Monument, saying that the Parliament’s vote to void the prime ministerial nomination is a “political sabotaje.”
#WeAreManushyan ♾️ Equal Human Beings
✊ Manushya stands in solidarity with the people of Thailand who expressed their desire for a new, democratic government. We call on the senators and elected representatives to respect the will of the people. We will not stop asking the old regime of dinosaurs installed by the military junta to do the right thing and restore democracy to Thailand. It is the only way Thailand can move forward!
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BBC News, Pita Limjaroenrat: Thai reformist leader suspended from parliament, (July 19, 2023), available at:
CNN, Thai court suspends prime minister hopeful Pita’s lawmaker status after his reformist party swept elections, (July 19, 2023), available at:
Bangkok Post, Charter court suspends Pita, (July 19, 2023), available at:
Thai Enquirer, PITA SUSPENDED, (July 19, 2023), available at:
Thai Enquirer Twitter Account, Public post of July 19, 2023, (July 19, 2023), available at:
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